My Top Ten wish list for this new year, 5770, is as follows:
1. That white Europeans, U.S. whites, and other white people currently not living in Israel not relocate to Israel.
2. That Jews currently living in Israeli-occupied Palestinian territories move out of the region.
3. That the Israeli government get forces out of any Palestinian land they are militarily occupying and stop economic sanctions against Palestinian farmers and families.
4. That the Israeli government stop oppressing Palestinians, stop all racist policies and practices--including against Mizrahic Jews, and stop behaving like a white male supremacist state.
5. That Israeli men stop battering and raping Israeli women, Palestinian women, and any other women.
6. That at any check-point, Palestinian women are not verbally, physically, or sexually assaulted by Jewish guards and officers.
7. That Palestinians secure a safe, stable, sustainable homeland in the Middle East.
8. That Middle Eastern Jews secure a stable, sustainable homeland in the Middle East that in no way requires the oppression or expulsion of Palestinians.
9. That Jews no longer experience any expressions or manifestations of anti-Jewish bigotry and violence.
10. That G-d bring peace to all the descendants of Shem, allowing us to see each another as part of one loving family.
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