Tuesday, October 28, 2008

84 % of Rapists Do Not Even Know They are Rapists.

Men have no claim to being fully humane if we're not working, collectively, to end rape.

Three videos:

1. A Powerful Statement by a White Woman:

2. A Powerful Statement by a White Man:

3. On Male Privilege on College Campuses, re: being seen as a rapist. A short address by a white man:
This one from Men Ending Rape.

Where the title of this blogpost comes from:

Koss et al. report that one out of every twelve male respondents had acted in a manner which would be defined legally as rape. 84% of these men did not believe their actions to be illegal.

- Koss, M. P., Gidycz, C. A., & Wisniewski, N. (1987). The scope of rape: Incidence and prevalence of sexual aggression and victimization in a national sample of higher education students. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 19, 1182-1197.