image of George Zimmerman (left) and Trayvon Martin (right) is from here |
What follows was written by Carolyn Edgar of CNN and by Michael Skolnick of GlobalGrind. I found these excerpts posted together at Racialicious. I have inserted my own commentary in bold and brackets.
Martin was a teenaged boy who was walking home from a convenience
store. He was not engaged in an unlawful activity. [Other than being Black in the US and walking in a place where non-Blacks live.] He was in a place
where he had a right to be – near the home of his father’s fiancée.
[He should have had the right to be there.] George Zimmerman followed him [read: stalked him with the intention of doing harm], even after being told by the 911
dispatcher not to. [His fragrant disregard for the counsel of the 911
dispatcher demonstrates to me that he was wanting some form of public
attention, or applause, for what he was about to do.] Zimmerman left his vehicle holding a loaded gun and
began pursuing Martin on foot. It is plausible to infer that Zimmerman,
not Martin, initiated the attack. The tapes indicate that Zimmerman may
have been the aggressor in initiating contact with Martin. ["Plausible"? "May have been"? In what moral universe does disregarding the advice of
someone trained to deal with crime and crisis, and instead
stalking--with a deadly weapon--an innocent person, NOT constitute
"initiating an attack"? How could a boy walking from a store where he
purchased Skittles to the home of family constitute, and then screaming
for help when his live was threatened, constitute "intitiating an
attack"? The boy, by all accounts, was not seeking to engage in
any way with the virulently white supremacist George Zimmerman. Would
anyone think that a Black or Brown man similarly going after a
white boy armed with Skittles would be regarded as anything other than
behaving with an intent to kill?] Assuming the
published reports are true, Martin, not Zimmerman, was exercising his
lawful right to “stand his ground and meet force with force” by engaging
in an altercation with Zimmerman. [Florida apparently has a law
which allows (wealthier and whiter) people to murder (poorer and darker)
people who are in their neighborhood if deemed "threatening". But last I
heard, carrying Skittles and minding one's own business, such as by
talking with a girlfriend on the phone, isn't threatening behavior to
residents of a neighborhood.]
questioning why Martin didn’t simply stop and answer Zimmerman’s
questions, and characterizing Martin as the aggressor [aren't we supposed to teach kids not to talk to strangers?], Sanford Police
Department Chief Bill Lee Jr. appears to have assessed the Martin case
using the standards that apply to law enforcement officers. [This
puts aside the rather unavoidable issue of white supremacist police
forces systematically harassing and mass murdering people of color in
the US.] This is
wrong. Martin was under no legal duty to obey or to cooperate with
Zimmerman in being questioned, because George Zimmerman is not a law enforcement officer. [And if he were? What right should a law enforcement officer have to stop such a youth?]
the local neighborhood watch captain [read: assassin or cold-blooded killer] does not elevate him to that
status. Nor was Zimmerman asked by any law enforcement officer to assist
in detaining Martin – in fact, he was specifically told not to follow
Martin. Zimmerman is entitled to none of the presumptions available to
law enforcement officers under Florida law. The presumptions of acting
in good faith that are afforded to law enforcement officers do not apply
to Zimmerman. [The presumption of acting in good faith should not apply to armed members of racist police forces.]
- Carolyn Edgar, CNN
got a lot of emails about Trayvon. I have read a lot of articles. I
have seen a lot of television segments. The message is consistent. Most
of the commentators, writers, op-ed pages agree. Something went wrong.
Trayvon was murdered. Racially profiled. Race. America’s [uber-white] elephant that
never seems to leave the room. But, the part that doesn’t sit well with
me is that all of the messengers of this message are all black too. I
mean, it was only two weeks ago when almost every white person I knew
was tweeting about stopping a brutal African warlord from killing more
innocent children. [Yeah, about that: white celebs and news people,
and their followers, are upset about human rights atrocities when whites
don't commit them against Black and Brown people; let's see George
Clooney speak out against white and male supremacy in the U.S.A.] And they even took thirty minutes out of their busy
schedules to watch a movie about dude. They bought t-shirts. Some
bracelets. Even tweeted at Rihanna to take a stance. But, a 17 year old
American kid is followed and then ultimately killed by a neighborhood
vigilante who happens to be carrying a semi-automatic weapon and my
white friends are quiet. Eerily quiet. Not even a trending topic for the
young man. [Thank you. And in a report about two kids who very negligently threw a shopping cart over a railing,
causing a white woman below to be seriously injured, I took note of how
many whites made sure to characterize the two youth as "thugs". The first comment on this story at Huffington Post reads as follows:
Charge them as adults with attempted murder. At 12 years old they
should have known they could hurt someone. The severity of the charges
must fit the severity of the crime."]
heard the 911 calls. We seen the 13 year old witness. We’ve read the
letter from the alleged killer’s father. We listened to the anger of the
family’s attorney. We’ve felt the pain of Trayvon’s mother. For
heaven’s sake, for 24 hours he was a deceased John Doe at the hospital
because even the police couldn’t believe that maybe he LIVES in the
There are
still some facts to figure out. There are still some questions to be
answered. But, let’s be clear. Let’s be very, very clear. Before the
neighborhood watch captain, George Zimmerman, started following him
against the better judgement of the 911 dispatcher. Before any
altercation. Before any self-defense claim. Before Travyon’s cries for
help were heard on the 911 tapes. Before the bullet hit him dead in the
chest. Before all of this. He was suspicious. He was suspicious.
suspicious. And you know, like I know, it wasn’t because of the hoodie
or the jeans or the sneakers. Cause I had on that same outfit yesterday
and no one called 911 saying I was just wandering around their
neighborhood. It was because of one thing and one thing only. Trayvon is
Again, thank you, Michael.
See also *here* and *here* for more on some of these stories at Democracy Now!
What I take from all of this is that the genocide of Black, Brown, and Indigenous people is on-going without relief across the Americas, across Central Asia
(including the mass murder of an Afghan family by Sgt. Robert Bales),
and across the globe, by wealthy white male supremacists and their
imperialist militias. We know, too, that millions of women and girls
will be raped, tortured, and murdered by men again this year, for the
"crime" of being female, and that the gynocide will not be reported or understood in these terms.
issue of what constitutes crime (including hate crime), terrorism, and human rights violation and who is
immune from any and all laws supporting human rights, will not likely be
discussed by the most structurally powerful members of my society who
engage in criminal and violating behavior. What will be defended in
court by supremely well-paid attorneys is the rights of militias and
rich folks and whites--disproportionately male--to threaten, harass,
terrorise, and mass murder Black, Brown, and Indigenous people by any
means "necessary" to sustain and affirm het white male and imperialist
corporate power.
To sign the petition calling for the arrest of the assassin of Trayvon Martin, please see *here*.