image of the newspaper that tells good-for-US stories and pretends they are truthful, is from here |
I will offer significant critique of the following article from
The New York Times. My commentary appears in bold and in brackets within the body of the article. The article may be found without my intrusions,
*here*. I want to preface what you're about to read with this observation: the
New York Times tells stories. It's about to tell you several stories about poor women and girls of colour. These stories have a function in Western media. They are not to promote the liberation of poor girls and women of colour. Poor girls and women of colour are doing this work all by themselves and always have been. They don't need "US". We cause many problems for them, none of which you're going to hear about below, because this story is about how good we are. Really good. Like saints, really. Every single one of us. Don't you feel good now, if you're a U.S. citizen? If not, don't worry: you're about to.
The NYT story exists is to promote a fictitious idea: that poor girls and women around the world
need "US". We are good and our men are better than theirs. (You'll see.) We can kill their men because they don't respect women as much as our men do[n't]. Our men
don't respect women, particularly poor girls and women abroad. Our men beat, rape, and procure women, inside the U.S. and beyond. Our men invade other countries, such as countries you're about to visit in this article. And we kill men, women, girls, and boys there. And babies. Lots of each. For power. For control. That's exactly how "good" we are. But never mind all that. On with the charade! The article is based on a book written by this piece's authors. That book is this one:
image of book cover is from here |

How changing the lives of
women and girls in the developing
world can change everything
The Women’s Crusade
Katy Grannan for The New York Times
Saima Muhammad, shown with her daughter Javaria (seated), lives near Lahore, Pakistan. She was routinely beaten by her husband until she started a successful embroidery business.
Published: August 17, 2009
'SO WHAT WOULD an agenda for fighting poverty through helping women look like? [Ending patriarchy? Ending male domination of women and girls? Stopping incest, child molestation, and rape? Stopping wars? Stopping globalised capitalism? Stopping racism and white supremacy? Ending trafficking?]'
ReplyDeleteExactly Julian - but Nicholas Kristof et al isn't interested in the real issues - instead he is busy profiting by exploiting women, particularly women of colour because according to Kristof white men must never be held accountable for setting up and maintaining a white male supremacist and patriarchal system.
I discovered Half the Sky about a year ago and as soon as I 'dipped' into it I knew it was a shameless attempt at exonerating white men from any accountability concerning how all women continue to be subjected to male domination and male control.
A feminist friend told me Kristof is 'lauded by malestream media.' I wonder why? Could it be because Kristof promotes the lie that white men are the saviours (cough cough) of women because white men never commit violence against 'their women' do they?
According to Kristof it is those non-white men who are villains, so non-white and white women are supposedly in dire need of white men's protection (sic). But it isn't white men's protection all women need - no what we demand is an end to men's domination and control over all women. interests.
Making racist claims ensures white male supremacy remains hidden and exonerates white men from any accountability concerning their continued violence against all women.
It is men not women who are forcing pregnant women to abort if the foetus is not male but Kristof uses that common patriarchal practice of always blaming women which ensures male accountability and male power is never challenged or analysed. Kristof's book abounds with women-blaming and patronising non-white women - but then he is an adherent of white male supremacy over all women.