Available colors:
![]() | White | |
![]() | Black | |
![]() | Rose Nude |
the above information is from here
Among the white responders, with the sole exception of Beth Chamblin, who took the question seriously and answered directly and honestly--thank you so much, Beth--no other white person answered the question; they only responded with questions for me about my "accusation". Why is that? We might assume it's because I'm male, but I've seen the same old tactics of evasion, denial, and charging of the questioner with doing something wrong, fucked up, or for the wrong reasons, in women groups online where no males have written in. Plenty of times. So I'm not thinkin' this is because I'm male. I'm thinkin' it's because the responder-defenders are white. The women of color who were aware of the conversation, or who participated in it, didn't ask, "Why are you asking that? What's your motivation???" Now why do you think that is?
Over thirty years, I've witnessed how my own and others' whiteness functions to insult, degrade, silence, shame, and oppress women of color (and men of color too). I've watched how self-righteously white women call out sexism, but when they are charged with being racist, their only response is to ask for proof, or to have it explained to them for the hundredth time, or to interrogate the questioner as if there must be something wrong with them for even asking such an insulting question. Why not just say, "Whoa. Sorry. I'm not even sure I get what was fucked up and white supremacist about my actions! I welcome you to explain it further if that'd be a good thing for you to do. But regardless, I'll ask some of my white friends and see if any of them have a clue about what's racist about what I did."
What I'm noticing is what whites, collectively, don't have a fucking clue and more than men have a fucking clue about sexism, misogyny, and male supremacist behavior.
So now, please, imagine--if you're white or male--what it must be like to encounter such willful ignorance and power-protection and denial and defense from not one, not two, but three groups of people who comprise a fairly significant number of people in the world: men of color, white women, and white men.
Our most recent examples of racist-misogyny come from the worlds of Yahoo Answers and corporate (CRAPitalist) advertising. Click on the headings to link back to the source, if you wish. I don't recommend it, however.
Is it okay to wear a nude colored bra under a white wife beater?
Next up: bras made in China for white Western women. They come in three colors: gold, black, and "nude". You wanna guess what color "nude" is? Clue: it's not darker than a grocery store's paper bag. (Source: *here*) What do you think the conditions are for the women in the area of Guangzhou who are manufacturing these bras? Note the first word that comes next:
For more, please see this (source: *here*):
- Name: Adjustable Shapewear Bra Black Gold Nude color
- Item No.: A0011BRA
- Price: please sign in.
- Weight: 0.13KG
- Item specifics: Bra only
- Place of origin: Guangzhou,China
- Color: Black,Gold,Nude
- Cup Fabric: Nylon61%/Lycra39%
- Lining: Nylon83%/Lycra17%
- Cup lining Material: Nylon100%
- Cup Lace: Nylon100%
The Guangzhou factory opened in 1992, hiring more than 4,000 workers, 80 per cent of them women, mostly from inland provinces. It manufactures international high-end handbags for designer brands such as Michael Kors, DKNY, Burberry, Kate Spade and Coach.
Workers complain that they have to stand 12 hours a day, cannot drink water during work and are given only one toilet break every four hours.
The average base monthly salary is 1,100 yuan for working eight hours a day, but those who work 12 hours a day can earn up to 1,900 yuan.
However, the company deducts 200 yuan for social security and 100 yuan every month for food if workers dine inside the plant. The food, workers say, “is like trash” and “unfit for human consumption”. The “rice served is sometimes black”.
Workers are demanding a base salary of 1,300 yuan, but more than that, they want to be “treated like human beings”, as some put it. They want more respect from bosses, who scold them in front of others, “confiscate our mobile phones” and check the women’s bathroom.
What is happening at this plant is symptomatic of widespread dissatisfaction that is turning into labour protests, as workers push for higher salaries, but also refuse to be denied their rights.
Last week, 2,000 workers went on strike at a plant in Chang’an (Dongguan) owned by the Citizen Watch Co. of Japan to protest against having to work 5-6 hours overtime without pay.
In this factory, wages are withheld from workers who are not at their post 10 minutes before their shift started.
China’s economic boom is thus also this: tens of millions of migrant workers toiling away for the whole day for paltry wages in inhuman conditions.
See also, this, from *here* at Amnesty International:
See *here* for an ad for "thin white, black, and nude" bra straps.In September the Brotherhood of St Laurence released a report called Ethical Threads which raises some important points about the clothes Australians wear. An increasing portion of our clothing budget heads off-shore to companies with operations in countries like China. Clothing is the biggest single category of goods Australians import from China, accounting for $3.6 billion in sales in 2005-06.
Australia currently has 46,000 jobs in the textile, clothing and footwear sector, a reduction of 63% since 1984. Over the same period the Chinese clothing sector has grown rapidly and now employs millions of workers. Amnesty International and other organisations have documented that for many of them, labour rights we take for granted are not available. We have seen accounts of forced labour, where people work 15 hours a day or more, seven days a week, without breaks and without any compensation. China has a long way to go to fulfill Article 43 of its Constitution which states simply that Working people in the People's Republic of China have the right to rest.
Since the 1980s the "vertically integrated" model where a clothing manufacturer owns and controls every part of the process has typically been replaced by complex arrangements involving multiple levels of outsourcing of piece work. As a result, as documented by the Brotherhood of St Laurence, companies in this industry routinely claim they are unaware of how their products are manufactured, and take no responsibility for workers conditions.
Consumers are the beneficiaries of low prices on clothing made in China, and theres nothing wrong in principle with consumers getting a good deal. But the old adage says, "if it looks too good to be true, it probably is", for the clothing on our backs may be made by Chinese workers toiling under oppressive conditions.
What can we do everyday to learn more about what we buy? We can ask clothing retailers and importers if they offer any independent verification of working conditions in their supply chain. We can ask them to publish the results of such independent audits, and commit to continuous improvements in results. And we can ask them to join reputable third-party rating schemes such as the Corporate Responsibility Index to realise their commitment to being a good corporate citizen.
The Brotherhood of St Laurence found that Australian clothing sector has been slow to adopt both mandatory and voluntary mechanisms to protect workers conditions - both for Australian workers and those overseas. Some companies reportedly believe there is no business case for ethics guidelines, suggesting most consumers didn't care how clothing is manufactured. Amnesty International suggests many Australian citizens would disagree: we are willing to look behind the label.
"Black, white, nude" soft foam sew-in bra cups, *here*.
Let's have a look at what's offered by "Hope for Women":
Companies like Utah-based Diviine ModesTee bring women one step closer to a complete, God-honoring wardrobe with their unique apparel that can be matched with virtually any outfit. The camisoles are of great quality and reasonably priced, enabling the savvy shopper to pick up several when on clearance for $6-$8 dollars a piece, making these items comfortable and affordable.
These camisoles are unlike anything else on the market, and unlike traditional camisoles, they are designed to raise the neckline of a shirt. This can be matched with v-neck shirts, wrap dresses, and other shirts that may have previously come off as indecent. The camisoles hem is lengthened which comes in handy with wearing certain cuts of jeans. The camisole is thin enough to be tucked in, or worn over the top of a pant for a layered look.
Camisoles can be purchased in a variety of colors, including basic black, white, navy and nude, and by utilizing the colors to coordinate with your v-neck or wrap shirts to help prevent any indecent exposure, there’s a whole new world of shirts to be introduced into your closet. For colder areas, there are also a variety of long-sleeved and quarter-sleeved shirts which are great for layering during winter months.Who wrote that?
Here's a list of the color (and sexuality) choices from Diviine Modes:
Nude is what? Is that a light rose or pink color? Whose skin is even thought to be that color? (I think North and Western European-descended white people. And no one else on Earth.)
Fall & Winter Colors
This camisole is designed with high quality cotton lycra fabric with a satin ribbon finish on the neckline and the straps. With beautiful colors to choose from that will not fade overtime.
Our camisoles offer a high value of:"I have tried many camisoles and have been extremely pleased with the quality and durability of Diviine ModesTee's camisoles. I wore them throughout my pregnancy and they never stretched out or faded. They are the best camisoles I have ever owned!"
- long wear
- no pilling
- no fading
- long length
- smooth shape
- retains shape for years
- maternity wear
— Anne Harris, PA
"When I tried on this camisole, I was AMAZED at the ability it had to smooth my tummy. Not as tight as Spanx, but much more comfortable. If I had to choose between wearing my Spanx and a camisole from Diviine Modestee, I'd definitely choose the camisole. Great job on a great product!"
— Lori, UT
Sizes Available XS, S, M, L, XL
Please allow 7-10 business days to ship your order
Get 15% off (White, Black, Brown, Grey and Red only) use coupon code 'myfavoritecami'.
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Price $15.95 l
Price $15.95 l
Price $15.95 l
Price $15.95 l
Price $15.95 l
Price $15.95 Sale $8.00 l
Price $15.95 Sale $8.00 l
Price $15.95 Sale $8.00 l
"Nude" is a color that is usually pink or beige. But what if we have lots of choices of "nude" colored clothing? Will some of it be in shades of brown? Let's have a look over to Spanx.com. Here's one image from the search on "nude" apparel:
Slimplicity Half Slip - Plus Size
Whether from male supremacy from the Christian Conservative Capitalists, or white male supremacy on the Secular Liberal Capitalists, there's really not much hope for women, especially if you're not white and are an immigrant or are working for pennies a day in a sweat shop. If you want to be at all visible and validated as existing, you'd better be white. We know who gets rich in the West disproportionately: whites, not people of color, and who controls wealth internationally: white men. If you want dignity and respect, and to be well paid and to control global resources, you'd better be white and male. No one else controls so much wealth, and no one else protects their wealth so violently.
Rupert Murdick is finally having to pay a small price for being a white male supremacist, CRAPitalist prick. It's about time. He'll likely slither out of being fully accountable for all the millions of racist-misogynist acts he's committed in his media outlets. He'll never be accused of being a racist-misogynist, or a white male supremacist, in Western commercial media. Why is that? It's because white and male supremacy must go unnamed, and no one ought to be too concerned about racist-misogyny--not white women, not men of color, not white men. But Rupert's racist-misogyny isn't only in his choices of images or story-lines. He and his white male cronies practice globalised capitalism better than most, and to do so you have to be significantly invested, over the long term, in anti-Lesbian politics, in genocide, in gynocide, and in ecocide. There's no other way to acquire such massive wealth and controlling power.
In you're white and North American, or from the UK, or Australian, and a non-liberally pro-feminist activist, you might have thought the problem with all of this is pornography and how it shapes values, aesthetics, and social and economic practices. But if you're not white and live in China or many other parts of Asia--or are an immigrant from 'developing nations' living in the allegedly fully-developed fully 'enveloping' West, you might think the problem is globalised corporate capitalism. Which perspective is more radical? I'd say both could be radical, but only one pretends Western/white supremacy is not a foundational problem. And that's not radically pro-woman: it's ultra-conservative. It's also anti-Lesbian because the specifics of how het supremacy is maintained through pornography and corporate capitalism is not frequently detailed; heterosexuality is too often assumed to be natural and inevitable. And, also, it's unapologetically mass-murderous to people who are not white.
White het male supremacy hurts, maims, and kills. Willfully ignoring any aspects of it effectively supports the economic and sexual exploitation, abuse, and murder of girls and women across the globe.
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