Monday, July 25, 2011

Feminist Action Alert: Please support "The Untitled Black Lesbian Elder Project" before Friday July 29th, 2011!!!

Some of what follows and more info can be found *here*. Thank you to all who can support this project in any way.


UBLEP IndieGogo Campaign Update #5: Our Production Process. from tiona.m. on Vimeo.

Help make it happen for The Untitled Black Lesbian Elder Project on Indiegogo!

Our Story
Filmmaker Tiona McClodden and publisher Lisa C. Moore announce their collaboration for a feature-length documentary film, Untitled Black Lesbian Elder Project. UBLEP will highlight interviews with black lesbian elders in their 60s, 70s and 80s from across the United States and situate them in a range of black historical movements, spanning the decades between the 1930s and 1980s. The film will feature 8-10 profiles of elders, and show accompanying archival footage and personal ephemera that will reveal rare images of black lesbian life and history. UBLEP will also bring to light a number of black lesbian underground movements, solidifying a black lesbian presence within overall American black history.

We have under a week left in our IndieGogo Online Fundraising Campaign to raise $10,000-$15,000 which ends this Friday July 29, 2011.

We are asking that each of you please take some time to do at least 1 of these things via our IndieGoGo Fundraising Campaign Page:​The-Untitled-Black-Lesbian-Elder-Project

*DONATE at one of our contribution levels to assist us with reaching out goal.

*TWEET about our campaign by using the button below our Update #5 video.

*EMBED our campaign widget on your blog or website by using the button below our Update #5 video

*EMAIL information to your contacts about our campaign using the button below our Update #5 video