I have recently become aware a book that may be helpful to women, particularly and especially to a woman who is in some way intimately involved with a man who uses Internet pornography. It is called Love and Pornography and is authored by Victoria Prater, with assistance from her husband Garry.
Below is the link to it. After I finish reading it I may review it. For now, I just want people to know about it, as, by all accounts, it is a book whose form and contents don't exist elsewhere in text. (There is a book called The Porn Trap and I know nothing at all about it, but I see from its table of contents that it is structured more as a traditional self-help book, whereas Love and Pornography is structured more as a personal journey the author takes you on through her very difficult struggle to hold onto a relationship with a man who is deeply involved in looking at online pornography--a dilemma so many heterosexual women face.) This is a book written from a woman's point of view--and in this case the writer is a woman for whom joining in on the allegedly harmless fun of looking at pornography with her husband is not an option. It is very inclusive of her husband's voice in many ways, in many places. It is an intimate, challenging conversation between them, and an honest, open conversation between Victoria Prater and the reader. It is a chance to know how one heterosexual couple faced this issue together, with honesty and courage.
Please check it out here, get it, read it, and let me know what you think.
The author(s) also have a webpage with additional information, Get Help With Porn: http://gethelpwithporn.com/.
-- Julian