Thursday, February 14, 2013

Race, Racism, and Online Dating, and The Erotic Life of Racism, by Sharon P. Holland

These two excellent pieces of writing: the article from Racism Review, and the book by Sharon Patricia Holland, speak to the issues raised in a recent post on attraction.

I'll write more soon but wanted to get this up now:

It speaks so much to me about why white folks encouraging other whites to practice being less racist with people of color in dating situations would be a detrimental, dangerous, and disastrous thing to recommend.

Here are the links:

For Valentine's Day: Race, Racism and Online Dating

Sharon P. Holland's book, The Erotic Life of Racism

With warm thanks and appreciation to La Reyna. ((hug))

Statement by Anoushka Shankar, with link to One Billion Rising against men's violence against women

Main website:

The Guardian, linking to live actions for and by women against men's violence: