Apply for School of Our Lorde Poetics Unit by Jan. 25th: Available in Durham and the Diaspora!
The School of Our Lorde is comprised of 4 units of Thursday evening sessions that allow participants to deeply engage and build on the work of Audre Lorde as transmitted through the committed (obsessive) research of Alexis Pauline Gumbs on the poetics, teaching practices, political implications and publishing interventions of Audre Lorde’s work (and to enjoy delicious local desserts together) on Thursday evenings. Participants will also get coursepacks with some exclusive and unpublished materials on/by Lorde. Participants can choose to participate in one 3 week semester or the entire 4 month process. Engaging, interactive poetic childcare will be provided at every session with amazing activities imagined with and implemented by Beth Bruch!!!! No one who completes an application and can attend will be turned away.
February 2010: Poetics ****Applications Due January 25th 2010****

Poetics: Audre Lorde is best known as a warrior poet. In February, School of Our Lorde participants will get a change to deeply engage Lorde’s poetry (with the benefit of Lex’s archival research on her revisions) and write their own poetry. We will meet over dessert on Thursday February 4th, 11th and 18th (Audre’s b-day!!!!) and the poets will perform their own new or transformed work at a community reading on Saturday February 20th.
Apply for the poetics course here: School of Our Lorde Poetics Application (pdf version)
School of Our Lorde Poetics Application
email applications to or drop them off at the Inspiration Station (email for directions)
Distance Learning
For those of you who are not lucky enough to live in Durham, NC right now…don’t worry. Audre Lorde and I both believe in long-distance love.
You can participate in the School of Our Lorde long-distance in 3 ways:

Host Your Own Satellite Campus!:
Why not have School of Our Lorde at your organization or in YOUR living room!? If you can gather 5 or more people to participate in any unit you can get a course packet with the course readings and worksheets to guide you through each session. You can also participate (along with other satellite campuses) in a monthly interactive BrightTalk session and office hours on LiveStream.
Our vision is that each Satellite Campus will be able to make a sliding scale contribution of $75-200 per unit. No group will be turned away.
To become a host, email with what session you’d like to host and your vision!
Independent Study:
Let us know how the School of Our Lorde poetics, pedagogy, politics of publishing process can support something you are working on with/for your community. You will get a course packet and worksheets. You can also participate (along with other satellite campuses) in a monthly interactive BrightTalk session and office hours on LiveStream.
Fill out the application for the appropriate unit here:
and get 7 people to financially support your participation. Our hope is that each independent student will raise between $50-150 to contribute to the School of Our Lorde. No one will be turned away!
Lorde as Our Witness:
You can participate in the School of our Lorde through this blog. There will be weekly video blog updates and reflections from the local participants and you can always post comments and questions here and I’ll respond. Feel free to spread the good news in your community so one day you can host a School of Our Lorde institute where you live!
February 2010: Poetics ****Applications Due January 25th 2010****

Poetics: Audre Lorde is best known as a warrior poet. In February, School of Our Lorde participants will get a change to deeply engage Lorde’s poetry (with the benefit of Lex’s archival research on her revisions) and write their own poetry. We will meet over dessert on Thursday February 4th, 11th and 18th (Audre’s b-day!!!!) and the poets will perform their own new or transformed work at a community reading on Saturday February 20th.
Apply for the poetics course here: School of Our Lorde Poetics Application (pdf version)
School of Our Lorde Poetics Application
email applications to or drop them off at the Inspiration Station (email for directions)
Distance Learning
For those of you who are not lucky enough to live in Durham, NC right now…don’t worry. Audre Lorde and I both believe in long-distance love.
You can participate in the School of Our Lorde long-distance in 3 ways:

Host Your Own Satellite Campus!:
Why not have School of Our Lorde at your organization or in YOUR living room!? If you can gather 5 or more people to participate in any unit you can get a course packet with the course readings and worksheets to guide you through each session. You can also participate (along with other satellite campuses) in a monthly interactive BrightTalk session and office hours on LiveStream.
Our vision is that each Satellite Campus will be able to make a sliding scale contribution of $75-200 per unit. No group will be turned away.
To become a host, email with what session you’d like to host and your vision!
Independent Study:
Let us know how the School of Our Lorde poetics, pedagogy, politics of publishing process can support something you are working on with/for your community. You will get a course packet and worksheets. You can also participate (along with other satellite campuses) in a monthly interactive BrightTalk session and office hours on LiveStream.
Fill out the application for the appropriate unit here:
and get 7 people to financially support your participation. Our hope is that each independent student will raise between $50-150 to contribute to the School of Our Lorde. No one will be turned away!
Lorde as Our Witness:
You can participate in the School of our Lorde through this blog. There will be weekly video blog updates and reflections from the local participants and you can always post comments and questions here and I’ll respond. Feel free to spread the good news in your community so one day you can host a School of Our Lorde institute where you live!
I hope many show up to celebrate her life and work! She is missed and was gone way too soon, but her work lives on.