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cartoon about Nazi anti-Semitism is from here |
CBS News has a story to tell. Above in a video news clip they tell it. What it tells us is that the U.S. has never been what it proclaims itself to be or what its corporate media says it is--with exceptions sometimes noted: a land of the free and the home of the brave. What it was and remains, is a land of the genocidal opportunists, and a home for them too.
What's missing from the discussion above are some fairly significant details:
The U.S. ties to Nazi Germany are far deeper than the video report indicates. U.S. companies did business with Nazi Germany. Ford, the guy behind the car industry, was a Nazi sympathiser. Volkswagen and Krupp, among others, were Nazi genocide-assisting businesses. that the U.S. has always been pro-genocide, having committed the one that is, in fact, the largest ever in recorded human history, as the U.S. settlers and government have slaughtered approximately ten times the number of Jews killed in Nazi Germany. It distresses me whenever a white Jew speaks of the HaShoah as "the worst" one, because it shows how completely "forgotten" the genocide is, of American Indians and the rest of the First People and Nations of North America. That the U.S. has supported covert and overt genocides across the globe, continuing to do so to this day, including against American Indians!
See also, from *here* @ The Awful Truth.com:

A US Army report shows Ford, the company, as an enthusiastic supporter of Hitler's regime whose German division made huge profits in becoming an "arsenal of Nazism."
Like GM, Ford claims to have lost control of its German division, Fordwerke, before it started using forced labor. However, according to a well-researched and damning report in The Nation, "Robert Schmidt, the man appointed to run Ford Werke in 1939, states that the company used forced laborers even before the Nazis put the plant in trusteeship." Ford also placed a rabid Nazi as head of Fordwerke, and US Government documents show that Ford was in constant communication with the Ford plants in Nazi-occupied Vichy France.
From a US Forces report on Fordwerke: "Of the 350,000 trucks which the motorized German army possessed in 1942, 100,000 to 120,000 were Ford-built. Of the Wehrmacht's total of 650,000 mobile units of all kinds, 15 to 20% were built by Ford, including approximately 10,000 half-trucks."
It's interesting to note that while Americans of Japanese ancestry were rounded up and placed in camps by the US government, large companies like Ford were allowed to help build the Nazi military without much interference.

VOLKSWAGEN was a relatively small company until Hitler entrusted it with making the "people's car" - the Beetle. Although designed before Hitler, the Beetle was produced as part of the Nazi Party's new economic policy called the "Motoriserung." Soon, its factories were also producing grenades, land mines and V1 rockets to help the Nazis fight the war. To speed along production, VW used as many as 20,000 slave laborers - the vast majority being foreign prisoners from Russia, Poland, France, Belgium and Holland. At Volkswagen, the foreign workforce was subjected to incessant beatings, malnutrition and early death.
VW's founder, Ferdinand Porsche, was an SS activist and chairman of the Panzer committee which developed innovations in armored vehicles. He also played a key role in developing the Fi 103 flying bombs which were used indiscriminately against civilians.
Statements taken from the U.S. Army War Crimes Investigation report about the VW hospital facilities: "In the opinion of this officer the function of this organization was nothing more than a death chamber for children of slave workers and veiled by the term 'maternity hospital.'" "The infants literally rotted away with the same sequence of symptoms, vomiting, diarrhea, emaciation, distended blueish colored abdomens and death. The nursery was loaded with bedbugs and flies. The infants cried all night while being bitten by the bedbugs. . . . One mother attempted to take her child from the nursery in a hand bag."

Exposed in 1997, Hugo Boss admitted that not only did its factories make uniforms for the German SS, storm troopers, Wehrmacht and Hitler Youth, they probably did so with slave labor.

KRUPP - Makers of washing machines, coffee makers, and the Nazi gas chambers. Krupp used over 70,000 people as slave labor in factories making armaments for the Nazis. It even operated a plant inside the infamous Auschwitz concentration camp which manufactured fuses, and another at the Ravensbreuck camp.
Quotes from the war crimes tribunal transcripts:
* "The Krupp family contributed from the treasury of the main Krupp company 4,738,446 marks to the Nazi Party fund."
* "Once the war was on, Krupps, both Von Bohlen and Alfried being directly responsible therefor, led German industry in violating treaties and international law by employing enslaved laborers, impressed and imported from nearly every country occupied by Germany, and by compelling prisoners of war to make arms and munitions for use against their own countries. There is ample evidence that in Krupp's custody and service they were underfed and overworked, misused, and inhumanly treated. Captured records show that in September 1944 Krupp concerns were working 54,990 foreign workers and 18,902 prisoners of war."
* The children were housed in "sort of prison bunks... The children there were quite naked... Many of them had swollen heads... These children were so undernourished... Fifty or sixty children died every day, and as many were born every day, because there was an influx of eastern female workers with children... The children were cremated inside the camp...."

BAYER used to be a much larger German chemical company called IG Farben. Like Krupp and the telecom company Siemens, IG Farben operated in the Auschwitz death camp where it used prison labor in the production of synthetic rubber and oil. However, their most ghastly act was in the sale of Zyklon B - the poison used in the Nazi gas chambers. During the Nuremburg trials, 24 IG Farben executives were indicted and charged with 5 counts including "slavery and mass murder." 25,000 of the 35,000 slave laborers who worked for IG Farben at Auschwitz died there. The life expectancy of the average slave laborer was 3 and a half months.
See also, from *here* @ the Congressional Record, about a ship full of Jewish immigrants from Nazi Germany, primarily, being turned away from our shores. The truth about the U.S. isn't pretty, and our media makeovers don't make it prettier.