Cleaning This Gun (Come On In Boy) - Rodney Atkins
The Declaration of Independents,
Think I could tell you that first sentence,
but then I'm lost, I cant begin to count the theories,
I've had pounded in my head, that I forgot,
I don't remember all that Spanish or the Gettysberg Address,
but there is one Speech from High School I'll never forget,
Come on in boy sit on down and tell me 'bout yourself,
So you like my daughter do you now,
Yea we think shes somethin' else,
Shes her daddy's girl, her momma's world,
She deserves respect, that's what she'll get,
Ain't it son, now ya'll run along and have some fun,
I'll see you when you get back,
Bet I'll be up all night,
Still cleanin' this gun
Well now that I'm a father,
I'm scared to death one day my daughter is gonna find,
That teenage boy I used to be,
that seems to have just one thing on his mind,
Shes growin' up so fast it wont be long before,
I'll have to put the fear of God into some kid at the door,
Yea come on in boy sit on down and tell me bout yourself,
So you like my daughter do ya now,
Yea we think she's somethin' else,
Shes her daddy's girl, her momma's world,
She deserves respect, that's what she'll get,
Now ain't it son, now ya'll go out and have some fun,
I'll see ya when you get back,
Probably be up all night,
Still cleanin' this gun
Now its all for show,
Ain't nobody gonna get hurt,
Its just a daddy thing.
And hey believe me man it works
Yea come on in boy sit on down and tell me bout yourself,
So you like my daughter do ya now,
Yea we think shes's somethin' else,
She's her daddy's girl her mommas world,
she deserves respect that's what she'll get,
Ain't it son, ya'll run along and have a little fun,
And I'll see ya when you get back,
Probably be up all night,
Still Cleanin' This Gun..HAHA...Now son ya'll buckle up and have her back by 10...lets say about 9..30...Drive Safe
* * *
I have known several het fathers of daughters, and all of 'em, yup, ALL of 'em say the same damned thing: that if they found out their teenage daughter was dating someone like THEY used to be when they were younger, they'd shoot the fucker. And they don't look forward to the day when normal het guys date THEIR daughter, because, well, you know... all guys are DOGS. I've heard a het guy, not anyone who'd ever call himself "feminist" say this to me: "You know, all guy's are DOGS", and he was including himself in that group. And by dogs, he meant "no good, selfish assholes, who will take what they want from girls, even if it means fucking her and fucking her over. He meant that het guys cheat, one way or another. And he meant that het guys don't respect girls. THAT'S what he meant, and the reason I know is because I've asked the het guys who say this what they mean by it, to be sure I'm not filtering it and distorting it through "a radical feminist" lens. (Ahem.) Nope. I'm not. It's what het guys say about each other. I heard one het father talking to another in a grocery store aisle--one guy worked there, the other was a shopper, and they were comparing notes on their concerns about their daughters dating het guys. And they agreed, "I wouldn't want her dating anyone like how I was when her age!" And they meant it. And they weren't radical feminists either. So who is it that confuses het sex with rape? Read on, and then give me your answer.
Thursday, Feb. 25 2010 @ 11:31AM
UPDATE: There may be another reason why William Kelly shot his daughter's boyfriend in the balls. Randall Carter is 29; Amanda Kelly is only 18. Dad couldn't have been happy that his high-school age daughter was prancing around with a much older man... [click on title above for the rest]
See also:
here, and
here. And all that follows...these are all pieces, and they fit together neatly, if atrociously.
Antifeminist Father kills both his daughter and her boyfriend after finding them in bed together. See story
And when the father is white and U.S., him
killing his two daughters is blamed on medication, not his patriarchal culture, like the Afghan father.
Here's a story about a father who kills his wife and his children, to spare them HIS shame of being in financial ruin. NOT, apparently, due to cultural practices, like the Afghan father.
How much murder of wives, girlfriends, boyfriends of one's daughter's boyfriend, and the rape of one's own daughter has to happen before we call it part of his patriarchal cultural norms?
* * *
Question [from *here]
Help answer this question below.
If you got home and someone was rapeing your daughter and had a gun to her head. would you A use your cell and call the cops frist. B threaten to kill them with a gun.then call 911 are C Kill them without them knowing you were there then call 911?
Answers. 29 helpful answers below.
- by Froggy on July 17th, 2009
Kill them with a clean shot to the head will cause him to release his gun, then bury him in the backyard. Who wants to waste many days and hours in a courtroom because of a scumbag. Oldtime justice prevails!
I offer proof above and below that it is nonfeminist HET FATHERS who want het guys dead, for fucking and/or raping females, not radical feminists. And it's het fathers who routinely, regularly, threaten to kill guys for fucking girls, not radical feminists. And it's het fathers who worry, A LOT, about their daughters getting raped by boys, not radical feminists. And it's het fathers who regularly say "I know how I was at that age!" meaning, he wasn't respectful of girls' boundaries and feelings in obtaining sex. Meaning,
the line between sex and rape was so slim, that he'd want to KILL any boy who does to a girl what HE once did to girls.
Now, why is it that those P.R.I.C.K.s who are always quoting a dozen sentences from radical feminists as "irrefutable evidence" that some women HATE men, including and especially Valerie Solanas, who, I'd argue, was not a radical feminist...
why is it that they DON'T quote regular ol' antifeminist-misogynistic HET FATHERS--THE ONES WHO WANT ALL THOSE RIGHTS--who want to KILL het men???
DO FATHERS' RIGHTS GROUPS SUPPORT FATHERS' RIGHTS TO BEAR ARMS AND USE THEM TO KILL GUYS WHO FUCK THEIR 14 AND 15 YEAR-OLD DAUGHTERS? Why not? If "the issue" is fathers having rights, and fathers being allowed to "protect" their daughters from harm, and if they view guys having sex with girls as not okay, what's the problem with letting het father's blast the brains out of those boys? Isn't this an issue for the National Rifle Association and Father's Rights groups???
There are WAY more of them than there are radical feminists, and those het men have a lot more access to guns and know how to use 'em, than do radical feminists, as a group. So who is the danger, the threat, to the lives of het men? Radical feminists? No. Het men? Yup. Read on... if you care to read the truth. Some of it is grotesquely, if unremarkably misogynistic, referring to girls as sl*ts and wh*res, but never referring to boys and guys that way. Surprised? ... Me neither.

Scott123 on Thu Feb 25, 2010 2:18 pm
Reako wrote:AgoniesCreep wrote:Obviously there needs to be some form of protection from the "to catch a predator" freeks who surf the web looking for virgins to deflower but, we really take it too far sometimes. The only chics that are still virgins at 17 are the ones who are so ugly that they couldn't get laid in a kennel or a prison. There's alot of girls who've been with 5 guys or more by the time they're 15 & I don't think we should throw a guy in prison over a chic who'll be screwing someone else two days after he's gone. An awfull lot of the blame is the parents fault for not keeping a better eye on the little slut anyway.
I chased high school girls till I was 26 & only stopped after a close call with parents who were living in total denial over what a slut their little girl (16) was. My own 13 year old daughter scares me to death cuz she's a mirror image of myself so I keep a very close eye on her but, I'm not stupid enough to think she'll be wearing white on her wedding day. We talk alot & I've told her not to be a whore about it & make sure she gets on B.C. before she does anything stupid. I or her mom moniter all of her computer activity & I suspect that she'd already have lost it if not for dad's watchfull eye.
America was founded by puritans & we are way more anal about sex then they are in europe because of it. I didn't lose my virginity till I was 17 & I hated it & totally felt like a freek because I wasn't slick enough to get the ball rolling sooner. I probely would have done better in school if I wasn't obsessing over sex as a 14 year old & up. I was so sad, very much like the guys in "American Pie". As a father I'd totally high five my 14 year old son if he was nailing a hot teacher.[/quote]
Not for nothing but chasing high school girls at 26 is creepy and sad. When I was in high school there was this 23 year old creep chasing after my GF. She was 15 I was 17. I caught that creepy pedo and beat his ass.
What if a hot teacher was was nailing your 14 year old daughter...would you high five him?
Reako-Seriously dating a 15 year old at age 17? No offence man but couldn't you find any girls your own age? If my daughter (when she's 15) brings home a 17 year old....Someones gonna get there ass kicked!- Scott123
- Posts: 6178
- Joined: Fri Jun 13, 2008 4:16 pm
- Location: Free Agent

Reako on Thu Feb 25, 2010 2:21 pm
Scott123 wrote:
What if a hot teacher was was nailing your 14 year old daughter...would you high five him?
Reako-Seriously dating a 15 year old at age 17? No offence man but couldn't you find any girls your own age? If my daughter (when she's 15) brings home a 17 year old....Someones gonna get there ass kicked!
Think you need to go back and re-read the post Scott. I did not say I would high 5 my son though your edit of it almost makes it look like I did.
And yes OMG, 2 high school kids dating is so out of wack!!!!!.
- Reako
- Posts: 1443
- Joined: Wed Jul 23, 2008 9:40 pm
Reako wrote:
Scott123 wrote:
What if a hot teacher was was nailing your 14 year old daughter...would you high five him?
Reako-Seriously dating a 15 year old at age 17? No offence man but couldn't you find any girls your own age? If my daughter (when she's 15) brings home a 17 year old....Someones gonna get there ass kicked!
Think you need to go back and re-read the post Scott. I did not say I would high 5 my son though your edit of it almost makes it look like I did.
And yes OMG, 2 high school kids dating is so out of wack!!!!!.
The high five comment was meant for the original poster...The 17 year old dating a 15 year old was meant for you. I think it's a lil lame...just my two cents.
I'm sure you crushed tons of ass.
Oh yeah-I didn't edit anything...I Highlited.- Scott123
- Posts: 6178
- Joined: Fri Jun 13, 2008 4:16 pm
- Location: Free Agent
Reako wrote:
AgoniesCreep wrote:Obviously there needs to be some form of protection from the "to catch a predator" freeks who surf the web looking for virgins to deflower but, we really take it too far sometimes. The only chics that are still virgins at 17 are the ones who are so ugly that they couldn't get laid in a kennel or a prison. There's alot of girls who've been with 5 guys or more by the time they're 15 & I don't think we should throw a guy in prison over a chic who'll be screwing someone else two days after he's gone. An awfull lot of the blame is the parents fault for not keeping a better eye on the little slut anyway.
I chased high school girls till I was 26 & only stopped after a close call with parents who were living in total denial over what a slut their little girl (16) was. My own 13 year old daughter scares me to death cuz she's a mirror image of myself so I keep a very close eye on her but, I'm not stupid enough to think she'll be wearing white on her wedding day. We talk alot & I've told her not to be a whore about it & make sure she gets on B.C. before she does anything stupid. I or her mom moniter all of her computer activity & I suspect that she'd already have lost it if not for dad's watchfull eye.
America was founded by puritans & we are way more anal about sex then they are in europe because of it. I didn't lose my virginity till I was 17 & I hated it & totally felt like a freek because I wasn't slick enough to get the ball rolling sooner. I probely would have done better in school if I wasn't obsessing over sex as a 14 year old & up. I was so sad, very much like the guys in "American Pie". As a father I'd totally high five my 14 year old son if he was nailing a hot teacher.
Not for nothing but chasing high school girls at 26 is creepy and sad. When I was in high school there was this 23 year old creep chasing after my GF. She was 15 I was 17. I caught that creepy pedo and beat his ass.
Looking back on it, I agree. However, you show me a 26 year old who dosen't think high school girls are sexy & I'll show you a homosexual. I should have known better but, I met her through a 28 year old buddy who was nailing her so it's not like I tricked a sweet little virgin & deflowered her.- AgoniesCreep
- Posts: 804
- Joined: Sat Mar 28, 2009 1:44 pm
With that said, a 17-year old boy dating a 15-year old girl (as terrifying as that is to me as a parent) is actually within the realm of "normal".
- CopperHeart
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- Location: Connecticut by way of California by way of Brazil by way of Argentina by way of West Germany

Reako on Thu Feb 25, 2010 3:21 pm
CopperHeart wrote:With that said, a 17-year old boy dating a 15-year old girl (as terrifying as that is to me as a parent) is actually within the realm of "normal".
When you consider I was a junior who just terned 17 recently and she was a sophmore soon to be 16 yeah. I think we were like a year and 3 months apart. Hard to remember ALL the details as that was literally 20 years ago. As a father (which I am not) I would be mortified that my teenage daughter were dating anyone no matter their age laugh.- Reako
- Posts: 1443
- Joined: Wed Jul 23, 2008 9:40 pm

Reako on Thu Feb 25, 2010 3:24 pm
AgoniesCreep wrote:
Looking back on it, I agree. However, you show me a 26 year old who dosen't think high school girls are sexy & I'll show you a homosexual. I should have known better but, I met her through a 28 year old buddy who was nailing her so it's not like I tricked a sweet little virgin & deflowered her.
Oh Im sure she wasnt. Its still a bit creepy. Its one thing to look at a 16, 17 year old girl and see an attractive female its another to actually do something *shrug*.
I cant say much maybe, my current GF is 11 years younger then I am (Im 37, shes 26) She teases me all the time when I talk about jobs, events whatever I did in the 90s she always tells me her age at that time.
- Reako
- Posts: 1443
- Joined: Wed Jul 23, 2008 9:40 pm
CopperHeart wrote:With that said, a 17-year old boy dating a 15-year old girl (as terrifying as that is to me as a parent) is actually within the realm of "normal".
When you consider I was a junior who just terned 17 recently and she was a sophmore soon to be 16 yeah. I think we were like a year and 3 months apart. Hard to remember ALL the details as that was literally 20 years ago. As a father (which I am not) I would be mortified that my teenage daughter were dating anyone no matter their age laugh.
I did the same thing. I was 17 and the girl was fifteen but there was only a year and some months between us. Not a big deal. Until I got her pregnant. My daughter is 8 now, but I would be psychotic if my daughter brings home a 17 year old boyfriend when she is fifteen. Not because of the age but because I know what I did and there is only one thing a 17 year old boys thinks about.
Now I ask you: do fathers maintain the right to kill boys--or men--who date their daughters? And do they exercise the right to kill whoever they want, including their wives? And do they exercise their right to fuck whoever they want, including their daughters? Yup, they do. And did Valerie Solanas kill anyone? Nope. And did Andrea Dworkin, Robin Morgan, Germaine Greer, and Catharine MacKinnon, and other white radical feminists kill anyone at all or argue for the right to maintain their ability to? Nope. So WHAT THE FUCK do you think the explanation is for MEN quoting FEMINISTS who don't respect men's power to fuck and fuck over girls and women? And NOT quoting each other for doing THE SAME THING. Well, not exactly the same thing. For one thing, radical feminists don't have the power to do harm that fathers do. And for another, the HET FATHERS and OTHER ANTIFEMINIST MEN think MEN DO IT NATURALLY AND INEVITABLY. Radical feminists don't. So why don't these stoopid het male P.R.I.C.K.'s go after EACH OTHER on their blogs and message boards? I'll tell you why. Because they're dick-whipped and cower before each other in fear. They don't have THE FUCKING BALLS to call each other out on what THEY do, not what radical feminists (don't) do.