I just found this thread on "reddit" here,
http://www.reddit.com/r/MensRights/comments/a0yz5/male_feminist_julian_real_supports_the_idea_of/, on a discussion thread called: Male feminist Julian Real supports the idea of exterminating 90% of the world's male population
I responded and also reported their threats of violence against me to all appropriate places. My response is primarily my comments from here to those who posted at A.R.P. But I've added a message to all the MRAs at the end which also got posted to their site. We can note not only their threats of violence, but also their blatant misogyny and anti-lesbian statements, and statements that are grossly insensitive and/or hostile to mentally disabled folks, heavy women, feminists, and more. I put the threats in bold. To put the woman-hating in bold would have basically meant putting everything in bold. There's not much else going on at that place but reveling in misogyny.
From A Radical Profeminist: To Chris, You wrote: Wait, seriously Julian? You are "all for" wiping out 90% of the men on the planet? Do you expect to be among those killed?
This is where people's histeria really kicks into high gear. Chris, you get that genocide and rape-as-a-systematic-practice of subordinating and terrorising and violating women is happening RIGHT NOW, yes? So WTF difference does it make WHAT I think? What are YOU doing to END the genocides and rapes? Please answer in great detail. And, should the time come for women to take enough power that they CAN kill 90% of men, I'll answer your question at that time, ok? Check back in with me when that power shift has occurred.
Julian Real said...
To the Anonymous who wrote 90 percent. you son of a b*tch. u first.
Do you have any relation to something called REALITY? If so, you might note that MEN hold the power to kill women systematically (and do so), not the other way around. Women are raped systematically, not the other way around. Women are battered (BEATEN UP) systematically by men, not the other way around. Women are systematically sold into sexual slavery or are "just" pimped by men and procured by men, systematically, not the other way around. Misogynistic atrocities of all sorts are managed and maintained in male supremacist societies with men at the helm, with men in charge of all major institutions. There are no female supremacist societies. You know that, right? OK, so now that you're in reality... Why are your knickers all in a bunch because of a little exchange between two people on a blog? Is THAT what REALLY upsets you, of all the things to be upset about and go out of your way to comment about? What are YOU doing to END rape and genocide. I await your answer. And please give me all the details of your daily work to do so. As for "u first"... I insist: After you.
To all the misogynist men who have commented on this reddit thread: let's hope the women go for your throats first. And when you start babbling on as much about what's actually happening in the world as you do about what one Anonymous woman and I say on one blog, well, that might show you actually have lives worth living. - JR
And here's what the "thoughtful" MRAs have to say to one another. Warning: it's a bit like a verbal circle jerk, with extra misogyny added to the mix:
antihostile [wrote]
In that case, I bet 90% of the world's male population supports the idea of exterminating Julian Real.
Raff001 [wrote]
Good a place to start as any.
MeanMotherHubbard [wrote]
Get out of my head.
tomek77 [wrote]
There is nothing more pathetic than a pussy-whipped feminist man. In my opinion, most do this because they think it'll get them laid, but it generally backfires on them... it turns out women don't like spineless losers after all, who'd have thought? :)
AnnArchist [wrote]
They are the same guys who are deceptively nicer than they really are just so they can touch a girl. Thats why girls like assholes, because they can usually see through a creepy nice guy's act and they know all men have the same goals and prefer a guy who is at least open and honest about it
guest121 [wrote]
Yes, but if you kill 90% of men (I believe he is included in the other 10%) then they guy will have much bigger chances of getting laid.
IronKing [wrote]
step four reduce the male worldwide population to say 10%. Maybe then we'd have peace in the world
oh the hypocrisy
The only way to have peace in the world is to murder 90% of people I don't like.
How fucked up do you have to be to advocate wiping out 45% of the world's population. That's far more than what Hitler was trying to do. She claims men are deadly and in the same paragraph says women should fight men, execute rapists (we know the story with rape) and exterminate 90% of the male population.
OceansAway [wrote]
How fucked up do you have to be to advocate wiping out 45% of the world's population. That's far more than what Hitler was trying to do.
Feminism is truly evil, worse even than Nazism or even religion.
nmbr [wrote]
You forgot the quotes around "Feminism."
theguffer [wrote]
This is just more proof that most feminist are not pro-equality; they are anti-man. Apparently, it doesn't matter if you are one, either (a man, that is).
ObidiahStane [wrote]
So, is this guy volunteering to go first?
RobinReborn [wrote]
It would be cool if you were among the 10% of guys that survived.
runamok [wrote]
I think that's Julian's true motivation.
Then maybe he could get a date.
Rygarb [wrote]
Wow, this mangina is an even bigger douchebag than Hugo Schwyzer, and that's saying something. If he hates men so much he should start by offing himself.
Liverotto [wrote]
Let's find out his address and phone number and rape his brain.
Male feminists are the real reason of the mess we are in, personally I would really risk jail time to beat up such an individual.
Lord_HalfJack [wrote]
Youd be proving his point, man. The wordt thing we could do to him is IGNORE him. let him wither away in the absence of a podium.
mtaclof [wrote]
No. He's insinuating men are vile and violent for no good reason. This guy IS the kind of douchebag who deserves to get fucked up.
And on with their misogyny:
BinaryShadow [wrote]
That will leave 10% of the male population to handle all the male-dominated jobs that women don't want. Think garbage handling, risky jobs like construction, janitors, etc.
Women will be CEO's of companies that won't be able to function. Good luck with that.
vostran [wrote]
She has to kill 3 billion people, we only have to kill her..
lwrun [wrote]
It's a he.
vostran [wrote]
Gender aside, this one is definetly deserving of the pronoun 'she'.
celticson [wrote]
How great to be one of the 10%! Weeee! One could have their choice, and not have to pick a BBW or fat chick.
Inconnu2u [wrote]
BBW = fat chick.
celticson [wrote]
Not necessarily.
Inconnu2u [wrote]
Necessarily, by definition. The same with "plus-sized". Fat.
celticson [wrote]
Agreed. But, there are relatively slim chicks who have too much fat on their chest.
ignatiusloyola [wrote]
You know, I think this is an idea I can get behind... Considering that lesbians don't make up 90% of the female population, there would be more women to go around and men would have all the power of sex and relationships!=
But seriously, it is a retarded idea.