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this "black and white" image of the criminal spewer of hate speech, exploiter of women, and addict dad, Charlie Sheen, is from here |
Q: What should you do when you find a white guy screaming the n word repeatedly?
A: Throw a white sheet over him.
You think I'm joking. (Read on, ARPers, read on.)
A: Throw a white sheet over him.
You think I'm joking. (Read on, ARPers, read on.)
Charlie Sheen is the highest paid crack/coke addict in Hollywood, and not even him yelling the n word
repeatedly is likely to get him tossed off his hit program. And why is that? Because Hollywood values money more than it values sobriety and ending white male supremacy. That's why. And because serial procurers of prostitutes don't count as predators, as exploiters, as rapists. They're just "normal guys" who "man up" by paying women for sexist sex. And because he has Hollywood-rich white het male privileges and entitlements to do whatever the fuck he wants to do, however destructive, however self-destructive, and get away with it.
How many poor Black men get caught with crack and are put in jail? How much time in prison is Charlie Sheen going to see for having cocaine all over his face, high out of his mind? This isn't a crime in what sense? Either it's a crime for poor Black men AND rich white men or it's not a crime for anyone. Isn't that what the U.S. allegedly stands for: equality for all and such? Or if you're rich, white, het, male, and famous, is there a very, very different standard of justice for you than for everyone else? According to dominant media and dominant society, if you're Black you're a no-good criminal; if you're white you're a poor addict. Got it.
If a woman of color is poor, is a cocaine addict, is found naked in hotels with people engaged in systems of prostitution, and has coke all over her face, is she regarded as "a good mother"? Why is Charlie Sheen regarded as "a good father"? What about him being a procurer of trafficked women and women who are rape survivors, and a rampant drug addict, and a spewer of racist epithets makes him "a good father"?
Quintuple standards, not double standards, are operative here: fame, class, race, sex, and gender.
[Please also see this A.R.P. post titled "Two and a Half Misogynist Men", about Charlie Sheen's sexist TV show.]
From the Huffington Post. Please click on the title below to link back.
Charlie Sheen Found Nude In Restaurant, Screaming
N-Word: Report
Posted: 10-29-10 10:12 AM
Before police were called to his suite in the Plaza, Charlie was out to dinner at Daniel with a group of friends and their escorts including porn star Capri Anderson, who charged him $12,000 for the night, according to Radar.
"At one point he convinced Capri to go to the bathroom with him. When they got into the bathroom he started snorting cocaine and then took off his pants," a source told the website. "Charlie wanted to have sex with Capri and tried but she stopped him and demanded her $12,000. He didn't have the money on him so she left him in the bathroom!"
When Charlie failed to return to the table, his assistant went into the bathroom looking for him.
"When the assistant opened the door, there was Charlie standing there naked with cocaine all over his face!" the source said. "He was delusional and just completely lost. Totally out of it."
The assistant reportedly helped Sheen get dressed and got him out of the restaurant and back to the hotel. This likely happened after Denise Richards stopped by and posed for a photo with Capri.
Back at the Plaza, a delusional and high Charlie went off his rocker and started spewing the n-word, Radar reports.
"He was punching the walls of the hotel room and going crazy and shouting 'n**ger, n**ger, n**ger for no reason at all," a source said. "It was absolutely bizarre."
Charlie reportedly tried once more to have sex with Capri, but she demanded her money first. When he couldn't find his wallet he began throwing furniture around and screaming violently and she locked herself in the bathroom. Police were called, and when they arrived Charlie was nude, disoriented and screaming the n-word. They threw a sheet over him and tackled him, the source said.