Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Dr. Vandana Shiva on how the World Bank and the IMF MASS PRODUCE WORLD HUNGER

The video above and what follows was found *here*, or you can get there by clicking on the title just below. What is touched on is what hundreds of millions of people experience, but not white Westerners, for the most part: poverty and indeptedness is enforced through international monetary policies designed to keep poor countries poor, and relatively rich countries rich. That means disproportionately poor people of color will die, and white wealthier people will not die--because of pro-globalising economic policy, not primarily due to Global Warming. It's that simple, and it's that horrible and inhumane.

Physicist and activist Dr. Vandana Shiva explains how the World Bank and the IMF are complicit in orchestrating the expanding food crisis across the globe. Through the structure of their debt relief, these organizations pushed developing countries to stop growing staple foods, and to instead grow cash crops and commodities, like flowers and lettuce, for export to volatile international markets. Deregulated trade helps financial markets create hunger and make huge profits. Shiva also stresses the importance of farming organically to help mitigate climate change and sustainably provide the food we need.

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