Monday, April 26, 2010


I've been posting about the magnificent and courageous work of feminist activist Malalai Joya, and now is your time to show one form of support. See below, and link back to the source of what follows if you wish, *here*.

VOTE TODAY-- help Afghan feminist Malalai Joya win People's Choice award Print E-mail

Published by Campaign for Peace and Democracy   
Monday, 26 April 2010
ImageWe're hoping you can take a minute to help Afghan feminist and parliamentarian Malalai Joya win the People's Choice Human Rights Award. ( The voting closes today -- Monday, April 26th -- and it's a very close race. Please vote for Malalai and pass this on to friends.

The Campaign for Peace and Democracy co-sponsored a public forum in New York City with Malalai last October, and she has been key to our work opposing the U.S. wars in Afghanistan and Pakistan. In addition to the well-deserved recognition, Malalai would receive $1000 towards her humanitarian work in Afghanistan. You can vote here:

You will be asked for a password, but you can create it on the spot with no hassle.

This Wikipedia entry about Malalai will give you an idea of who she is:

Malalai Joya (born April 25th, 1978) is an Afghan politician who has been called "the bravest woman in Afghanistan." As an elected member of the Wolesi Jirga from Farah province, she has publicly denounced the presence of what she considers warlords and war criminals in the parliament. She is an outspoken critic of both the Taliban as well as the present Afghan government of Karzai and its western supporters.

In May 2007, Joya was suspended from the parliament on the grounds that she had insulted fellow representatives in a television interview. Her suspension, which is currently being appealed, has generated protest internationally and appeals for her reinstatement have been signed by high profile writers, intellectuals such as Naomi Klein and Noam Chomsky, and politicians including Members of Parliament from Canada, Germany, the United Kingdom, Italy and Spain. Joya has been compared to the symbol of Burma's democracy movement, Aung San Suu Kyi.

Joya has written a memoir with Canadian writer Derrick O'Keefe.[6] under the title of Raising My Voice.

Please vote now at  -- and, if you can, send us a brief email at cpd@igc.orgcpd@igc.orgThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it to let us know you've cast your vote.

In peace and solidarity
Joanne Landy and Thomas Harrison
Campaign for Peace and Democracy       cpd@igc.orgcpd@igc.orgThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

P.S. Remember that the Campaign for Peace and Democracy now has a Facebook group. Please join us!

Campaign for Peace and Democracy
2790 Broadway, #12 | New York, NY 10025 

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