[image of awid activists is from here]
One in Nine Campaign Marches in Cape Town, South Africa
In conjunction with 800 participants from the AWID Forum on the Power of Movements, the One in Nine Campaign led a successful march through downtown Cape Town, South Africa (Nov. 15, 2008) in order to raise awareness of the high rates of sexual violence faced in South Africa, DRC and Zimbabwe. AWID stands for the Association for Women's Rights in Development, a global women's rights network. See an excellent video montage created by the Feminist Tech Exchange at the Forum.
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A Guide to Indigenous Women's Rights under the International Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women
The International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women is one of the six core international human rights instruments and the only one focused exclusively on eliminating discrimination against women. Given that indigenous women have been and continue to be subject to multiple forms of discrimination, it is obviously of great relevance to indigenous peoples’ rights.
View the guide below
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[image of the Second Forum of Indigenous Women from Wangki is from here]
Second Forum of Indigenous Women from Wangki
Women from the following communities gathered in Waspam, the capital of Wangki, from October 1st through the 4th 2009: International Indigenous Women's Forum/ Foro Internacional de Mujeres IndÃgenas (IIWF/FIMI), Tawan Sirpi wina Asla Takanka de Urang, Sih, Rayapura, Kiwastara, Moss, Auyapura, Andris, Santa Fe, Kwiwitingni, Tee Kiamp, Dikuatara, Klampa, Planhkira, Sawa, Bumsirpi, Uhri, San Jerónimo, Kisalaya, Asang, Prinzapolka, Ulwas, Bullsirpi, Rama Cay, Esperanza Rio Coco, La Esperanza Rio Wawa, Boom, Alamikangban, Francia Sirpi, Kisubila, Kururia, Cocal- Waspuk, San Alberto, Tuskrutara, Klisnak, Utlamahta, Desembocadura del Rio grande, Batsilaya, Pacifico Centro y Norte de Nicaragua, Rancho Escondido, Laguntara, santa Ana, Wiswis, Bullkiamp, Saupuka, Bilwaskarma, Saklin, Klar, Tuskrusirpi, Wasla, Kum, Naranjal, El ParaÃso, El Carmen, Wiwinak, Bilwi, Buenos Aires, Living Krik, Mozonte, Sikilta, Leimus, Capri, Polo Lakia Sirpi, Tasba Pain, Miguel Bikan, Santa Clara, Wisconsin, Mayangna Sauni As, Waspam.
Additionally, representatives of the following organizations participated in the Forum: AMICA, IMATWA, WANGKI TANGNI, De Costa a Costa, MADRE, Movimiento Nidia White, CAIMCA, Foro de Mujeres IndÃgenas y Multiétnicas de la RAAN, Movimiento IndÃgena de Nicaragua, Alianza de Mujeres IndÃgenas de México y Centroamérica; and Judge Hazel Law from the Appellate Court of the North Atlantic Autonomous Regions (RAAN).
Representatives from the Cabinet and Government of the Autonomous Region included the President of the board of directors, his Committees and Secretaries of Women, Childhood, Adolescence, Youth, and Family; Health; Education; Youth Voices Program; and the Gender Fund. The Mayor, Vice Mayor, and Secretary of the Cabinet from the Municipal Government of Waspam were also present. Other representatives included the Committee of Women from the National Police, the Nicaraguan Institute of Women in Government, and the Office of Registration of Property from RAAN, PNUD, UNFPA, AECID, MISTAP, AMC, ACTED, Salud sin Limites, ClÃnica Bilwi, CEIMM- URACCAN, CADPI, FUPADE, ASB, NITLAPAN, PANA PANA, CARE, Ibis- Dinamarca, Consejo de Ancianos.
We remember our dreams, aspirations, commitments, and proposals from the First Forum of Indigenous Women of Wangki in 2008.
We reaffirm the achievements that Indigenous women made in their commitments by the Nicaraguan Government and the Autonomous Region through the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), Cairo Declaration on Human Rights (CAIRO), Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD), the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP), Law 28 and its Regulations, Resolution Regional to create the Forum of Indigenous Women and the Secretary of Women, the commitments assumed by CRAAN in the investment in women’s health in June 2009, and the government of RAAN in Rosita in February 2009 in its program working with youth and adolescents.
At the international level, Indigenous women achieved: gender policies in the national government and the proper steps have been given to the regional government in order to achieve the objective of women’s rights in the Region. We analyzed and agreed on the content of a plan of action in the following themes: intercultural health, racism and discrimination, traditional forms of justice, water and drainage, identity, art and culture, climate change, adaptation of life, organizational strengthening, indications of wellbeing, and the rights of Indigenous women.
The Wangki claims the plea of NikiNiki for their daughters and sons to come back to listen while the girls, boys, adolescents, and youth inherit the natural and moral poverty that threatens our ancestral territory.
In this effort we agree:
- To keep working in order to strengthen our organizations and networks so our voices, and the voices of our indigenous sisters from RAAS, the Pacific, and the Centro Norte are heard in the regional, national and international realms, and that our proposals are transformed into laws, policies, public programs, and projects that allow for the wellbeing of our families and communities.
- We demand that government authorities, organisms of multilateral cooperation, bilaterals, NGOs, and others, implement in good faith the right to an informed and established prior consent in international human rights instruments of indigenous peoples. This should be an obligatory mechanism of consultation for actions taking place in our communities.
- Bring back the message to each of our communities, our authorities, common territories, and local governments of RAAN and the country, that girls, boys, adolescents, youth, women, and men, all have the right to live without violence, enjoying our individual and collective rights and for this we declare a permanent movement for A LIFE WITHOUT VIOLENCE.
- Call on governments and non-government organizations, organisms of multilateral, bilateral, and international cooperation, communal authorities and territories, universities, research centers, organizations and networks of women and human rights, to unite complimentary human resources, technical, material, and financial forces, for the return to each community of these agreements and that our ACTION PLAN FOR A LIFE WITHOUT VIOLENCE AND DISCRIMINATION becomes effective.
- We agree to convene ourselves for the Third Forum of Indigenous Women in Wangki with the national project of the 1 through the 4th of October 2010.
Download the declaration file
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"We, the women of the original peoples of the world have struggled actively to defend our rights to self-determination and to our territories that have been invaded and colonized by powerful nations and interests . . .
We still retain the ethical and esthetic values, the knowledge and philosophy and the spirituality, that conserves and nurtures Mother Earth . . ."
—Indigenous Women's Beijing Declaration
We still retain the ethical and esthetic values, the knowledge and philosophy and the spirituality, that conserves and nurtures Mother Earth . . ."
—Indigenous Women's Beijing Declaration
FIMI's Latest
- Beijing + 15(New York, From 1-12 of March)
- Bolivia:Indigenous Parliamentarians Conference(January, 19, 20 - 2010)
- Second Forum of Indigenous Women from Wangki, Nicaragua. (October, 2009)
- IIWF Strengthening Indigenous Women’s Organizations in Africa.(September, 2009)
- Eighth Session of UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (May, 2009)
121 W. 27th Street, #301; New York, NY 10001
(212) 627-0444; fimi@iiwf.org
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Happy International Women's Day!
2. With Iraq's parliamentary elections on Sunday, now is the time for Obama to recommit to his timeline for withdrawal.
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3. MADRE is at the United Nations this week, demanding that governments uphold women's human rights.
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4. Help Us Build the World You Want
Be a part of MADRE's work in 2010 »
5. January marked the sixth year that Indigenous youths traveled to Ayacucho, Peru for a stone sculpture workshop organized by MADRE and our partner, Chirapaq.
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6. Help provide humanitarian aid to earthquake survivors in Haiti.
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7. Indigenous women leaders from across Latin America and the Caribbean met in La Paz, Bolivia. MADRE Program Coordinator Natalia Caruso was there.
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8. MADRE's partner the Organization for Women's Freedom in Iraq works to end trafficking, honor-killings and domestic abuse.
Read an update from their projects »
MADRE in Action

A Voice for Ayiti - A Benefit Concert
Join MADRE and MADRE members at a benefit event for relief work in Haiti on MONDAY, MARCH 8 (International Women's Day) from 6:00pm to Midnight @ DROM - 85 Avenue A (between 5/6 Street) in New York City. We hope to see you there!
Flashlights & Whistles for Safety in Guatemala
In the past decade, nearly 4,000 women and young girls have been murdered in Guatemala. In response, women in Guatemala are organizing to protect each other. You can help by providing whistles and flashlights for the neighborhood watch.
Empower the Women of Tomorrow
MADRE and our partner in Kenya, the Indigenous Information Network (IIN), are working to shelter and educate 400 young girls escaping female genital mutilation and forced marriages. You can help! Donate school supplies for these courageous young women.MADRE News & Views
Women Worldwide Will Honor the Lives of Feminist Leaders Who Died in Haiti's Earthquake
Friday, March 5, 2010MARCH 8TH, CENTENARY INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S DAY 2010Honoring the lives of feminist Haitian leaders who died in the massive earthquake on January 12th, will be the... Read More »
MADRE Partner Awarded Women's Order Of Merit
Friday, March 5, 2010MADRE congratulates Tarcila Rivera Zea, president of CHIRAPAQ, our partner organization in Peru, on being awarded the 2010 Women's Order of Merit by the Ministry... Read More »
MADRE Programs Combating Violence Against Women in Armed Conflicts
Thursday, March 4, 2010Guatemala In the past decade, nearly 4,000 women and young girls have been murdered in Guatemala. Many of them, including girls as young as 10,... Read More »
Ensuring Haitian Women's Participation and Leadership Are Institutionalized in All Stages of National Relief and Reconstruction
Thursday, March 4, 2010MADRE is working with our partners in Haiti and with a coalition of women's organizations to ensure that Haitian women's human rights are upheld in... Read More »
Event: Protest Friends of the IDF and Ashkenazi!
Thursday, March 4, 2010Printable Flyer Join human rights organizations for a moving procession to protest the annual fundraising dinner of the Friends of the Israel Defense Forces &... Read More »
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