What follows is from here.
Wheaton College, Norton, MA, USA

Kersti Yllö
Research Interests and Activities
Professor Yllö's research focuses on wife abuse, including battering, marital rape, and abuse during pregnancy. She has published a number of articles and books on these issues.Her work has also focused on intervention into violence. She has worked on projects with both Boston Children's Hospital and the U.S. Marine Corps, evaluating the effectiveness of efforts to reduce domestic violence. Her current work focuses on the need for feminist scholarship to more adequately address violence against women of color. She also serves on the editorial boards of several journals including Gender and Society, Journal of Interpersonal Violence, and Violence Abstracts. She is Vice-President of Common Purpose, Massachusetts' largest batterer intervention program.
Selected Publications:
"Gender, Diversity, and Domestic Violence: Expanding the Feminist Framework." In Gelles, R. And D. Loseke (eds.) Contoversies in Family Violence. Sage Publications, 2nd ed. (forthcoming, 2001).
"The Silence Surrounding Sexual Violence: the Challenge Marital Rape Poses for the Duluth Model", in Pence, E. and M. Shepard (eds) Coordinating Community Responses to Domestic Violence: Lessons from Duluth and Beyond. Sage Publications.pp. 223-238 (1999)
"Commentary - Marital Rape: a Social Problem for the 21st Century." Violence Against Women: an International and Interdisciplinary Journal V.5,pp1059-1063. (1999)
"An Interview with Kersti Yllö" in Family Violence Across the Lifespan by O. Barnett et al. Sage Publications, pp. 21-22, (1997)
"Collaboration between Researchers and Activists (with E. Gondolf and J. Campbell) in Out of Darkness: Recent Research in Family Violence. Sage (1997)
"Reflection of a Feminist Family Violence Researcher," in Sollie, D. and L. Leigh (Eds) in Feminism and the Study of Family and Close Relationships , Sage Publications (1994).
"Through A Feminist Lens: Gender, Power and Violence" in Gelles, R. and D. Loseke (Eds), Controversies in Family Violence , Sage Publications, pp. 47-62, (1993).
"Abuse of Pregnant Women and Adverse Birth Outcome," (with Eli Newberger, et al .) Journal of American Medical Association , 267:2370-2372 (May 6, 1992).
"Re-Visions: How the New Scholarship on Women Transforms the College Curriculum," American Behavioral Scientist 32:658-667 (July/August 1989).
"Family Secrets: Teaching about Violence Against Women," Radical Teacher 36:19-22 (December, 1989).
Feminist Perspectives on Wife Abuse. (with M. Bograd) Sage (1988).
Stopping Family Violence: An Agenda of Research Priorities for the Coming Decade. (contributing author with D. Finkelhor and G. Hotaling) Cal: Sage Publication, (1988)
Love Stories: Women, Men and Romance (co-producer with R. Broadman, J. Grady and J. Smith). A CineResearch Production (87 minute documentary film on the social history of intimacy) (1988)
License to Rape: Sexual Abuse of Wives. (with D. Finkelhor) Free Press (1985).
"Marital Rape: A Review of Recent Research" (with D. Finklehor) in Ann Burgess (ed.) Rape and Sexual Assault: A Research Handbook. NY: Garland Press 1984, pp. 145-158.
"The Status of Women, Marital Equality, and Violence Against Wives: A Contextual Analysis." Journal of Family Issues 5:307-320 (Sept., 1984)
"Sexual Equality and Violence Against Wives in American States." Journal of Comparative Family Studies 14:67-86. ( 1983).
"Using a Quantitative Approach in Feminist Research." in Finkelhor, Gelles et al . (eds) The Dark Side of Families: Current Issues in Family Violence Research. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage Publications, 1983, pp. 277-288.
"Interpersonal Violence among Married and Cohabiting Couples," Family Relations , 30:339-347, (July, 1981) with M.A. Straus. (Reprinted in 1983 Family Studies Review Yearbook , Sage Pub).
"Non-marital Cohabitation: Beyond the College Campus." Alternative Lifestyles 1:37-54 (1978).
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